Ask us for a Free Visit

You have a lot of things to move and you want us to come for a free visit to estimate your moving quote?

No problem. Fill in the information in the form opposite and we will send you a visit confirmation

Address: Rue Grand-Saint-Jean 6, 1003 Lausanne, Suisse
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-18:00


Athénée 34,
1206 Genève
022 518 76 82


Rue de Lausanne 73
1700 Fribourg
026 588 00 38


Couchirard 12,
1004 Lausanne
021 588 14 01


Av. du Casino 37,
1820 Montreux
021 588 11 86


Länggassstr 88,
3012 Bern
031 528 17 44


Chandoline 27C,
1950 Sion
027 588 02 28

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Information needed for a visit

*Your information is confidential

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